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Don State Technical University


The university was founded in 1930.

The university is located in the city of Rostov-on-Don, the largest city in the south-west of Russia. Its population is more than 1 million people. It is the largest scientific and cultural center in Russia, where a large number of business corporations, research centers, theaters and historical heritage sites are concentrated. This southern city on the banks of the wide Don River is a metropolis with its own charm. Unlike the cities of central Russia, there are mild and almost snowless winters, and the proximity of warm seas (Azov and Black) make it attractive for tourists. More information about the city of Rostov-on-Don can be found on this page.

More than 45,000 students study at the Don State Technical University. More than 3,000 students came from abroad.

Types of educational programs:

  • Bachelor's degree (4 years of study)
  • Specialty (5 years of study)
  • Master's degree (2 years of study)
  • Preparatory courses for foreign applicants (2 and 3 semesters)

Faculties of the university:

  • Faculty of Aircraft Engineering
  • Faculty of Automation
  • Faculty of Mechatronics and Management
  • Faculty of Agro-Industrial
  • Faculty of Life Safety and Environmental Engineering
  • Faculty of Bioengineering and Veterinary Medicine
  • Faculty of Road Transport
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering
  • Faculty of Innovative Business and Management
  • Faculty "Institute of Physical Culture and Sports"
  • Faculty of Computer Science and Computer Engineering
  • Faculty of Media Communications and Multimedia Technologies
  • Faculty of Instrument Engineering and Technical Regulation
  • Faculty of Applied Linguistics
  • Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering
  • Faculty of Psychology, Pedagogy, Defectology
  • Faculty of Service and Tourism
  • Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • Transport, service and operation
  • Faculty «School of Architecture, Design and Arts»
  • Faculty of Energy and Oil and Gas Industry
  • Faculty of Automation, Mechatronics and Control
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Instrument Engineering and Technical Regulation
  • Faculty of Transport, Service and Operation


  • 1201+ in QS World University Rankings 2022
  • 156th place in Times Higher Education Emerging Economies University Rankings
  • 501-600 in Times Higher Education World University Ranking
  • 251-300 in QS World University Rankings Emerging Europe& Central Asia
  • 73 in RAEX – (ranking of the TOP 100 best universities in Russia)

Start of training:
September (bachelor's degree, master's degree, specialty)
september-november (preparatory courses)

Acceptance of documents for enrollment:
June 10 - August 31

University infrastructure:

  • Don State Technical University has 9 campuses, the main one of which is located in the center of Rostov-on-Don.
  • Congress Hall with the largest concert hall, designed for 1,500 seats, with halls for press conferences and business meetings.
  • Technopark «MAGICA», which has Motion capture equipment.
  • Media Park.
  • Nanotechnology Center.
  • Agrotechnopark.
  • 30+ scientific laboratories.

At the forefront of progress:

  • Engineering students of the university are working on the creation of a remote control system for agricultural combines using artificial intelligence, developing modular electric platforms for agricultural machines and specialized transport.
  • "The esports Development Center" is one of the strongest in the world.
  • Joint educational and scientific programs with universities of China, Uzbekistan, Great Britain and other countries.

Student accommodation
There are 10 apartment-type dormitories with a convenient location on the university campuses. 
All dormitories are equipped with self-study rooms, libraries, gyms and leisure rooms.

Preparatory program
If you do not speak Russian, then you will need to complete a preparatory program. Training begins in the fall from September to November, depending on the speed of recruitment of groups. The training lasts 2 or 3 semesters, depending on the student's success.
Acceptance of documents takes place from June 10 to August 15, and from June 18 to August 20, entrance tests are held for those whose admission documents have been verified.

Documents for enrollment:

  • Passport (original and 2 copies of all completed pages)
  • Migration card (specified purpose of entry – study)
  • The original document of education
  • Photos 3X4 (4 pcs.)
  • Sign online consent for enrollment

For a list of specialties that can be studied at the Don State Technical University, see the tabs below by type of educational programs (bachelor's degree, specialty, master's degree and programs in English).


Tuition fee:

  • Preparatory course for international students: 120,000 rubles. (2 semesters = 1 academic year) and 150,000 rubles. (3 semesters = one and a half years).
  • on academic programs – from 150,000 rubles to 200,000 rubles per year.
Cost of living: on average, 14,000 rubles per year, depending on the number of people in the room.

Bachelor course

Bachelor's degree specialties that can be studied (in Russian).

Faculty of Aircraft Engineering
1. Aircraft industry. Helicopter building
2. Refrigeration, cryogenic equipment and life support systems
3. Refrigeration and air conditioning systems
4. Aircraft industry. Aircraft repair and maintenance
5. Ground transport and technological complexes. Machinery and equipment of urban economy
6. Ground transport and technological complexes. Means of aerodrome and technical support of aviation flights
7.Technical operation of aircraft and engines. Engineering and technical support of aircraft flights
8. Operation of airports and provision of aircraft flights. Operation of airport equipment

Faculty of Automation, Mechatronics and Control
1. Automation of technological processes and production
2. Management in technical systems
3. Innovatika
4. Power engineering
5. Computer science and Computer engineering
6. Mechatronics and robotics
7. Electronics and nanoelectronics. Lighting engineering and light sources
8. Electronics and nanoelectronics. Industrial electronics and microprocessor technology
9. Electric power and electrical engineering. Electrical equipment of cars and tractors

Faculty of Agriculture
1.Technological machines and equipment
2. Applied Mechanics
3. Biotechnology
4. Food products from vegetable raw materials
5. Animal food products
6. Ground transportation and technological complexes
7. Agroengineering
8. Aquatic bioresources and aquaculture

Faculty of Life Safety and Environmental Engineering
1. Technosphere safety. Safety of technological processes and productions
2. Technosphere safety. Environmental protection
3. Technosphere safety. Fire safety of industrial and social facilities

Faculty of Bioengineering and Veterinary Medicine
1. Zootechny
2. Nanoengineering. Functional nanomaterials

Faculty of Road Transport
1. Construction. Road bridges and tunnels
2. Construction. Highways
3. Geodesy and remote sensing. Geodesy
4. Technology of transport processes. Intelligent transport systems
5. Technology of transport processes. Organization of transportation by road
6. Technology of transport processes. Transport logistics
7. Land management and cadastres. Urban cadastre
8. Land management and cadastres. Land assessment and monitoring

Faculty of Civil Engineering
1. Water supply and sanitation
2. Hydraulic engineering construction
3. Heat and gas supply and ventilation
4. Production of building materials, products and structures
5. Technical control and expertise in the construction industry
6. Customs and forensic examination of construction products and structures
7. Building materials science and quality control in industrial and civil construction
8. Design and construction of engineering systems of power supply and life support
9. Quality management, standardization and certification
10. Technical aesthetics and materials in architecture, restoration and construction
11. Commodity science and examination of goods in the field of production and circulation of non-food products and raw materials

Faculty of Innovative Business and Management
1. Economy. Accounting, analysis and audit
2. Economy. Finance and credit
3. Management. Anti-crisis management
4. Management. Marketing
5. Economy. Engineering economics and cost estimation in construction
6. Management. Production management
7. Economy. Economics of Innovation and financial Consulting
8. Economy. Economics of small and medium-sized businesses
9. Economy. Economics of the organization

Faculty "Institute of Physical Culture and Sports"
1. Physical education, Sports training profile
2. Pedagogical education, profile Physical culture

Faculty of Computer Science and Computer Engineering
1. Software engineering. Computer hardware and automated systems software
2. Mathematical support and administration of information systems. Mathematical support and administration of information systems
3. Applied Mathematics. Application of mathematical methods to solving engineering and economic problems
4. Computer science and Computer engineering
5. Applied computer science. Applied informatics in the information sphere
6. Information systems and technologies.
7. Information systems and technologies in construction
8. Information security. Security of automated systems

Faculty of Media Communications and Multimedia Technologies
1. Design. Graphic design

Faculty of Instrument Engineering and Technical Regulation
1. Biotechnical systems and technologies. Engineering in medical and biological practice
2. Instrumentation. Information and measuring equipment and technologies
3. Standardization and metrology. Metrology and metrological support
4. Standardization and metrology. Standardization and certification
5. Quality management. Quality management in production and technological systems

Faculty of Applied Linguistics
1. Foreign languages and cultures of the countries of the studied languages
2.Theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages and cultures
3.Theory and practice of translation

Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering
1. Construction.Industrial and civil construction

Faculty of Psychology, Pedagogy, Defectology
1. Speech Therapy
2. Special (defectological) education
3. Primary education.
4. Organization and management of preschool education
5. Social pedagogy

Faculty of Service and Tourism
1. Hotel business, Hotel activity
2. Hotel business. Restaurant activity
3. Service, service of the fashion and beauty industry
4. Service, socio-cultural service
5. Service. Congress and exhibition service
6. Tourism. Technology and organization of tour operator and travel agent services
7. Tourism. Technology and organization of excursion services

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
1. Pedagogical education. History. Archeology
2. Documentation and archival studies
3. Theology. Culture of Orthodoxy

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technology
1. Design. Graphic design
2. Design.Costume design
3. Materials science and technology of materials. Welding and production of products made of polymer materials
4. Mechanical engineering. Information technologies of metal processing by pressure
5. Mechanical engineering. Machines and technology of foundry production
6. Design and technological support of machine-building industries. Tool systems of machine-building industries
7. Design and technological support of machine-building industries. Construction of machinery and equipment
8. Metallurgy. Metallurgy of ferrous metals
9. Mechanical engineering. Information technologies of metal processing by pressure
10. Materials science and technology of materials. Materials science and technology of materials in instrumentation and medical technology
11. Mechanical engineering. Machines and technology of foundry production

Faculty of Aircraft Engineering. Transport, service and operation
1. Infocommunication technologies and communication systems. Communication networks and communication systems
2. Radio engineering. Household electronic equipment
3. Technology of transport processes. Organization and traffic safety
4. Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes. Cars and automotive industry
5. Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes. Service and operation of motor vehicles

Faculty «School of Architecture, Design and Arts»
1. Architectural design. Landscape design
2. Reconstruction and restoration of architectural
3. Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage
4. Urban planning
5. Design of buildings and structures

Faculty of Energy and Oil and Gas Industry
1. Automation of technological processes and productions. Automation of technological processes and production of NGK
2. Applied mathematics and physics. Modeling of processes and productions of the oil and gas complex
3. Technological machines and equipment. Machinery and equipment of oil and gas fields
4. Chemical technology. Oil and gas refining technology
5. Chemical technology. Electrochemical production technology and corrosion protection in the oil and gas complex
6. Electric power and electrical engineering. Electric drive and automation
7. Electric power and electrical engineering. Electric power systems and networks

Faculty of Law
1. Jurisprudence, civil law profile
2. Jurisprudence, state-legal profile
3. Jurisprudence, criminal-legal profile

Master degree

Master's degree specialties offered at the University (Russian-taught)

Aircraft Engineering Faculty
1. Mechanical Engineering. Hydraulic Systems and Thermal Power Plants of Aircraft.
2. Refrigerating and Cryogenic Engineering and Life Support Systems. Operation and Service of Refrigerating Engineering and Air Conditioning Systems.
3. Technical Maintenance of Aircrafts and Aircraft Engines. Technical Maintenance of Aircraft Equipment.

Automation, Mechatronics and Control Faculty
1. Automation of Technological Processes and Production
2. Management in Technical Systems
3. Technological Machines and Equipment
4. Mechatronics and Robotics
5. Land Transportation and Technological Complexes. Hoisting and Transport, Construction, Road Machines and Equipment

Agribusiness Faculty
1. Technological Machines and Equipment
2. Applied Mechanics
3. Biotechnology
4. Food Products of Vegetable Resources
5. Land Transportation and Technological Complexes
6. Agroengineering
7. Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources

Life Safety and Environmental Engineering Faculty
1. Technosphere Safety. Labour Safety in Technosphere
2. Technosphere Safety. Fire Safety

Bioengineering and Veterinary Medicine Faculty
1. Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise
2. Nanoengineering

Road Transport Engineering Faculty
1. Civil Engineering. Automobile Roads
2. Civil Engineering. Design, Construction and Management of Roads
3. Geodesy and Remote Sensing. Geodesy. Geodetic Support of Engineering Structures Construction
4. Transport Processes Technology. Intelligent transport systems
5. Transport Processes Technology. Organization of Transportation by Road Transport
6. Transport Processes Technology. Transportation Logistics
7. Land Management and Cadastre. Urban Cadastre

Construction and Engineering Faculty
1. Water Supply and Sanitation
2. Production of Building Materials, Products and Structures
3. Innovative Technologies of Concrete and Concrete Mixes
4. Customs and Forensic Examination of Construction Materials and Products
5. Engineering Systems for the Use of Alternative Energy Sources and Waste
6. Heating, Gas Supply and Ventilation
7. Engineering Systems of Buildings and Structures
8. Innovative Materials in Modern Construction
9. Engineering and Digitalization of Business Processes

Innovative Business and Management Faculty
1. Finance and Credit. Corporate Finance
2. Economics. Accounting, Analysis and Audit
3. Economics. Digital Accounting and Management
4. Management. Organization Diagnosticis and Crisis Management
5. Management. Applied Marketing
6. Management. Financial Management
7. Management. Organization Management

IT-systems and Technologies Faculty
1. Information Security. Information Security of Automated Systems
2. Information Systems and Technologies. Information Systems in Information Security Technologies
3. Information Systems and Technologies. Internet of Things
4. Information Systems and Technologies. Information Systems in Scientific Research
5. Applied Informatics. Applied Informatics in Information Sphere
6. Mathematical Support and Administration of Information Systems.
7. Software Engineering. Technology of Development of Complex Software Systems

Media Communications and Multimedia Technologies Faculty
1. Design. Communication Design

Tool Engineering and Technical Regulation Faculty
1. Biotechnical Systems and Technologies. Design of Medical and Environmental Equipment
2. Instrument Making. Automated Systems for Receiving and Processing of Measuring Information
3. Standardization and Metrology. Metrological Support of Technological Processes and Production
4. Quality Management. Quality Management in Production and Technological Systems

Applied Linguistics Faculty
1. Theory and Methodology of foreign Languages Teaching
2. Comparative Cultures Studies and Innovative Strategies of Professional Communication

Civil and Industrial Engineering Faculty
1. Civil Engineering. Civil and Industrial Engineering

Psychology, Pedagogy and Defectology Faculty
1. Psychology. Clinical Logopedia
2. Psychology. Cognitive Psychology
3. Psychology. Organizational Psychology
4. Psychology. Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy
5. Psychology. Psychophysiological and Clinical Psychology
6. Psychology. Sports Psychology
7. Professional Studies (by industry). Innovative Pedagogical Technologies in Professional Education
8. Quality Management. Measurement and Assessment of Education Quality

Social and Human Sciences Faculty
1. Theology. Orthodox Culture

Machinery Engineering and Equipment Faculty
1. Design and Technological Support of Machine-Building Industries. Technologies and Equipment of Mechanical and Physical-Technical Processing
2. Design and Technological Support of Machine-Building Industries. Processes of Mechanical and Physical-technical Processing, Machines and Tools
3. Design and Technological Support of Machine-Building Industries. Design of Machinery and Equipment
4. Design and Technological Support of Machine-Building Industries. Technological Design of Machine-Building Production

Aircraft Engineering Faculty. Transport, Service and Operation
1. Infocommunication Technologies and Systems. Wireless Infocommunication Networks
2. Radio Engineering. Theoretical Radio Engineering
3. Land Transportation and Technological Complexes. Hoisting and Transport, Construction, Road Machines and Equipment
4. Operation of Эксплуатация Transport and Technological Machines and

“Architecture, Design and Art School” Faculty
1. Architecture of Buildings and Structures.
2. Reconstruction and Restoration of Architectural Heritage
3. Design of Architectural Environment
4. Urbanistics
5. Civil Engineering. Theory and Practice of Buildings Design

Power Engineering, Oil and Gas Industry Faculty
1. Automation of Technological Processes and Production, Automation of Processes and Production of Oil and Gas Complex
2. Technological Machines and Equipment. Improvement of Structural Elements of Oil and Gas Industry Machinery and Equipment
3. Chemical Technologies. Electrochemical Processes and Corrosion Protection Technology of Oil and Gas Facilities
4. Electrical and Power Engineering. Intelligent Power Systems

Law Faculty
1. Law. Law Norms and Values


You can study hundreds of specialties in Russian at the Don State Technical University. But there are also 8 programs where you can study in English:

Bachelor’s degree:
Digital Content Production
Reconstruction and Restoration of Cultural

Specialist’s degree:
Veterinary Science

Master’s degree:
Intellectual Systems Based on Blockchain Technology
Multimedia Projects Producing
Transportation Logistics
Civil and Industrial Engineering

Specialist degree

Specialist’s degree programs (Russian-taught):

Agribusiness Faculty
• Land-Based Transportation and Technological Means

Life Safety and Environmental Engineering Faculty
• Fire Safety

Bioengineering and Veterinary Medicine Faculty
• Veterinary Science

Road Transport Engineering Faculty
• Applied Geodesy. Engineering Geodesy

Innovative Business and Management Faculty
• Economic Security. Economic and Legal Support of Economic Security

IT-systems and Technologies Faculty
• Information Security of Telecommunication Systems. Information Security in Communication and Control Systems

Applied Linguistics Faculty
• Linguistic Support of Inter-State Relations

Civil and Industrial Engineering Faculty
• Construction of Unique Buildings and Structures. Construction of High-Rise and Large-Span Buildings and Structures

Aircraft Engineering Faculty. Transport, Service and Operation
• Land-Based Transportation and Technological Means

Telegram Students Internationsl
Telegram Students Internationsl

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